Anything Goes Burlesque
Anything Goes Burlesque
Skye High Burlesque presents

Anything Goes Burlesque

Milk Bar (Inglewood, WA)
Saturday, 5 April 2025 6:30 pm
24 days away
18 Plus

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Step into a world where the skies are the limit and the fun never stops! Anything Goes Burlesque is a variety show that brings together sultry seduction, side-splitting humor, and jaw-dropping artistry. Featuring performances from our own Skye High Cadets, the talented Instructor Team, and a sensational Guest Artist, this show promises to be an unforgettable journey into the art of burlesque—where absolutely anything can happen!

Come for the glamour, stay for the surprises, and remember—Anything Goes when it comes to Skye High Burlesque!