The Postmodern Mixtape
The Postmodern Mixtape
Swing Shift Big Band presents

The Postmodern Mixtape

Milk Bar (Inglewood, WA)
Friday, 13 June 2025 7:30 pm
93 days away
18 Plus

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Swing Shift Big Band presents: The Postmodern Mixtape
Friday 13 June at Milk Bar, Inglewood (The Civic Hotel)

Featuring the hits of Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, The B52s, ACDC, The Cure, Guns n Roses, Rick Astley and many more! 

Our guilty-pleasures show contains more 80s goodness than a Chiko Roll and more horns than a New York traffic jam. Marty Pervan’s hip and quirky jazz arrangements feature all of your favourite pub-rock tunes with a spicy twist.

This unforgettable show features the outstanding vocals of Owen Measday and the effervescent Jo Bacon. Backing them are 17 hot musicians, cranking out the brassy goodness.